The year 1007, signifies the start to the Hammadid Empire in Algeria, when they constructed their first capital city, which is known today as the Al Qal’a of Beni Hammad. Bechara is the closest town to this historic site, with Algiers approximately two hundred kilometers away, which has become a popular attraction in Algeria and a window into the lives of an ancient civilization. The Hammadid Empire ruled the country from 1008, until its demise in 1152. The Al Qal’a of Beni Hammad is a wonderful reminder of a city that once flourished and was the envy of other cities in the region.

Even though the city was destroyed when the empire fell, there are many buildings that have survived, and due to their significance in the history of Algeria, and that the ruins still reflect the beauty of the city that once was, UNESCO recognized the site in 1980. One of the most well known features of the Al Qal’a Beni Hammad, is the impressive thirteen aisle mosque, where the minaret tower and the decorative blue tiles that once graced this structure are still visible. Visitors will also be able to explore the remains of the baths and the palace. Over and above the ruins, the location of Al Qal’a Beni Hammad is picturesque, with beautiful hills and landscapes surrounding the city. Visiting this magnificent historical wonder is a unique experience, allowing visitors to walk in the footsteps of ancient civilizations.

Original Post: algeria


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